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Ibm 8194 Drivers For Mac

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This document provides information on the AFP printer driver for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. This document was last updated on 4 December 2014. IBM i Access Version of the AFP Printer Driver Update: Informational APAR II14522: states that the AFP Printer Driver component contains support for Windows 7 in IBM i Access for Windows 6.1 service pack SI41053 or later, and in IBM i Access for Windows 7.1 service pack SI41054 or later, on 32-bit versions of Windows.
The 64-bit AFP printer driver is available in 7.1 service pack SI42424 or later. The IBM i Access for Windows version of the AFP printer driver can be downloaded from the IBM i Access FTP site: Notes. O The IBM i Access for Windows version of the AFP printer driver includes a file which adds support for using the AFP printer driver with Facsimile Support/400 (FAX/400) and Enhanced Services. O The IBM i Access for Windows version of the AFP printer driver does not install on PCs running Microsoft Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 because this version of the driver is not digitally signed. If the AFP printer driver is needed on a Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 PC, then the Ricoh Production Print Solutions AFP Printer Driver for Windows should be installed instead. O To use the AFP printer driver with Facsimile Support/400 (FAX/400) and Enhanced Services on a Windows 8.1 PC, you must first install the Ricoh Production Print Solutions AFP Printer Driver for Windows, and then manually download and install the file from the following FTP site: For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the following document: N1020429: Note that the file can be used with 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows running on either AMD and Intel Xeon processors.
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Ricoh Production Print Solutions AFP Printer Driver for Windows The Ricoh Production Print Solutions AFP Printer Driver for Windows is available on the InfoPrint Solutions web site at: This version of the AFP printer driver contains a supports the following operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista, Windows XP Notes. O The Ricoh Production Print Solutions AFP Printer Driver for Windows does not include the file, and does not support using the AFP printer driver with Facsimile Support/400 (FAX/400) and Enhanced Services. O The IBM i Access for Windows version of the AFP printer driver includes a file which adds support for using the AFP printer driver with Facsimile Support/400 (FAX/400) and Enhanced Services. O The IBM i Access for Windows version of the AFP printer driver does not install on PCs running Microsoft Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 or higher because this version of the driver is not digitally signed.
If the AFP printer driver is needed on a Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 PC, then the Ricoh Production Print Solutions AFP Printer Driver for Windows should be installed instead. O To use the AFP printer driver with Facsimile Support/400 (FAX/400) and Enhanced Services on a Windows 8.1 PC, you must first install the Ricoh Production Print Solutions AFP Printer Driver for Windows, and then manually download and install the file from the following FTP site: For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the following document: N1020429: Note that the file can be used with 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows running on either AMD and Intel Xeon processors. Note: For more information, please refer to the following document: N1018815.
A few other answers mention unixODBC, however this is not a driver. IODBC and unixODBC are both driver managers, which are essential parts of the ODBC stack that also include an ODBC driver. Having one of iODBC or unixODBC would not alleviate the need to have an ODBC driver as well. It's also worth pointing out that OSX comes with iODBC by default. Although there doesn't appear to be any first-party Netezza ODBC drivers on OSX, there are other solutions for getting an ODBC driver. One of those solutions is to build your own ODBC driver using something like the SimbaEngine SDK , or having a company like Simba build the driver for you. You could also petition IBM to release versions of their ODBC drivers on Mac, however you may not have much luck unless you have some money to put behind your request.
Note that in the interests of disclosure, I work for Simba.