Epubmetadataeditor For Mac
EPub Metadata Editor is a lightweight tool that helps you edit the information of your EPub ebook files. Quick installation and user-friendly interface. The app comes with a simple, intuitive.
Other Results for Change Epub Metadata Mac:. Edit Metadata Information Of EPUB EPub Metadata Editor is a simple tool which helps you to view and edit metadata of EPub files. It allows easily changing and adding images, descriptions, b. GitHub - benchen71/epub-metadata epub-metadata-editor - Edit the metadata of EPUB files. ePub Metadata Editor for Mac MacUpdate ePub Metadata Editor - Edit e-book metadata. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at MacUpdate. How to Edit ePub Metadata Here are you the easiest tip on how to edit ePub metadata information with the help of Coolmuster Signpub, the best ePub metadata editor you can not miss.

EPub Metadata Editor Download - softpedia Free Download EPub Metadata Editor 1.6.2 - Edit the metadata of EPUB files and change erroneous authors, covers, publisher, identifier and source us. View & change ePub metadata Download free epub metadata editor tool to view, modify, edit and change epub file details, cover image, toc. Perform batch tasks to edit OPF and TOC.NCX file. How to Edit iBooks Meta Data under How to Edit iBooks Meta Data under Mac OS X Mavericks. People can't edit eBooks metadata in iBooks for Mac. Azw3 to epub the metadata still is lost. Changing Metadata of an Epub in Changing Metadata of an Epub in iBooks.
Just started using iBooks on Mac tonight. Click once on the data that you want to change or enter. Edit ePub eBooks with Your Favorite Edit ePub eBooks with Your Favorite HTML Editor. Aaa logo for mac. Of files back into ePub. Make sure you change the name of the folder if it still has the.
Up a Slow Mac. Editing e-book metadata — calibre 3.5.0 The simplest way to change metadata in calibre is to. For example you may have obtained the Complete Works of Shakespeare in EPUB format and later converted it.
Audio Metadata Editor
Download EPubMetadataEditor for free. EPubMetadataEditor - EPUB Metadata Editor is an open source application for Windows OS that allows the user to edit the metadata of EPUB files. EPub Metadata Editor allows you to edit metadata of e-books in epub format. With ePub Metadata Editor it's easy to view and modify metadata of e-books in epub format. Just drag and drop an epub file on the main window or dock icon. Features View, change, add, delete metadata of epub file Simple.