Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Keygen For Mac
Onijim: The english patch works fine, just do what trolica3 posted on the previous page. This is what I did: 1) Mount the iso Run the setup 2). Copy the DataS.gar from Eng fix map on the disc to game directory 3). Start game use the cd-key from Eng fix on the disc (Steps 1-3 are just copied from the other torrents instructions) 4) Download the English patch from the site onijim just posted. 5) Run regedit.
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(The easiest way to do this is to open the Start-menu, type in regedit and it should find it) 6) In regedit, start a search for FarmingSimulator2011DEis1 7) regedit will in fact find a folder with that name and display all the files that folder contains. You don't want to rename any of those files, but the entire folder. Rename the folder to FarmingSimulator2011ENis1 8) Install the patch 9) Start the game, it will ask for a serial.
Use the one trolica3 posted earlier. RLDST-FRM7J-DHYAR-M8KF7-MD9DR After that the game should work with the 1.4 patch. 100% THIS IS WORKING!!!! I followed steps shown in these comments. I will post them again for people who for some reason dont search the comments for help first. 1 - install the game ( it will be german setup but we will change it to english ) 2- Go to START - RUN - type REGEDIT 3 - in REGEDIT go to EDIT - FIND and type in ( or copy and paste this - FarmingSimulator2011DEis1 - Once you have found it RENAME it To FarmingSimulator2011ENis1 - Exactly the same just the DE was changed to EN 4- Download and apply a patch everyone is saying 1.3 - 1.4. Theres both German And English.

Download the english Patches!! Easily found on google! ( you can try using latest 2.0 patch but i 1st used 1.4 patch then updated to 2.0. Might work straight away with 2.0 tho i didnt try it that way so i cant say ) 5- once you have applied a patch download Deamon Tools. Again google it or download off this site. 6- Once downlaoded open Deamon Tools - Install - And Run Program.

On Deamon Tools click ADD IMAGE - then go to where u saved this torrent as the image is this file you have downloaded from here ( the ISO file ) once opend you can go to my computer and there you will notice a new tab where the CD drive option is. 7 Click the New tab and there you go it WILL run if you have done all this correctly and yes it will be in ENGLISH too. 1st running the game it will not ask for a serial key - the second time it will and i used - RLDST-FRM7J-DHYAR-M8KF7-MD9DR Deamon Tools Has To Be Used Or Something Similar As There Is No Crack Yet ALSO FOR OTHERS WHO HAVE HAD THIS WORKING. I UPDATED THE LATEST PATCH. PATCH 2.0 AND ITS STILL WORKING USING THIS KEY Explained As Noobish As Possible. Installed Fine On Mine Using Windows 7 x64 Hope this helps someone. Do as Arzkaah said, expect here's better instructions to help you guys.
This is a great game btw, i got it working perfect. How To Install Patch 2.2 In English- 1.Open up the downlaoded folder with winrar or winzip 2.Install Game (Don't Install Eng Fix) 3.Open REGEDIT (go onto run, then type regedit) 4.Find FarmingSimulator2011DEis1 and change it to FarmingSimulator2011ENis1 (you can do this by click edit at the top, and click find, then type it in) 5.Download Patch 2.2 English. You can download it from this link: 6.Install Patch 7.
Mount the game/ISO with daemon tools 8.Start game. 9.Apply serial 2TXCK-7ETPE-8SA57-PLQ22-MHFB8 This missions and career will work, but no multiplayer, i suggest buying the game if you want that. I suggest you buy it as well, if you enjoy it. I folow the next steps, and this works! 1 - install the game ( it will be german setup but we will change it to english ) 2- Go to START - RUN - type REGEDIT 3 - in REGEDIT go to EDIT - FIND and type in ( or copy and paste this - FarmingSimulator2011DEis1 - Once you have found it RENAME it To FarmingSimulator2011ENis1 - Exactly the same just the DE was changed to EN 4- Download and apply a patch everyone is saying 1.3 - 1.4. Theres both German And English. Download the english Patches!!

Easily found on google! ( you can try using latest 2.0 patch but i 1st used 1.4 patch then updated to 2.0. Might work straight away with 2.0 tho i didnt try it that way so i cant say ) 5- once you have applied a patch download Deamon Tools. Again google it or download off this site. 6- Once downlaoded open Deamon Tools - Install - And Run Program.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Keygen For Mac
On Deamon Tools click ADD IMAGE - then go to where u saved this torrent as the image is this file you have downloaded from here ( the ISO file ) once opend you can go to my computer and there you will notice a new tab where the CD drive option is. 7 Click the New tab and there you go it WILL run if you have done all this correctly and yes it will be in ENGLISH too. 1st running the game it will not ask for a serial key - the second time it will and i used - CD KEY: RLDST-FRM7J-DHYAR-M8KF7-MD9DR ITS WOKS!!!